Thursday, May 21, 2009


Before going to bed tonight, I pulled out a book that a friend of mine let me borrow. I really need to buy my own copy so I can give her this one back. I absolutely LOVE it, and have to remind myself constantly that it isn't my book and I can't mark in it.

But, this is what I read tonight. It's exactly what I needed. :)

Beyond the Horizon
Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. Matthew 24:12

The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; Your love, O Lord, endures forever - do not abandon the works of Your hands. Psalm 138:8

It can be discouraging sometimes when we step back to take a mental scan of what is available on the man front. To tell the truth, the pickings look very slim. however, what your eyes see and what you have experienced in the past have absolutely nothing to do with God's plans. His ability to perform His promises. Perhaps we need to take our eyes off of the horizon line of our own rationalizations and get them fixed on the promises of He who knows where every good man is hidden.
Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see, according to Hebrews 11:1. Your hope cannot be in men or in the surplus that we cannot see. it has to be in God's word to you. he is the only man who cannot lie. If He says it, He will do it. Go on, dare to hope again and know that He will finish every project He has started on your behalf. he will make sure that you have the love and companionship you need to live a joyful and productive life. And that, my friend, is that!
from Sassy, Single, and Satisfied by Michelle McKinney Hammond

Thanks, God, for Your plans in my life - for Your hand and Your movement. Thank You for this time of struggle as I can feel You drawing me closer to Your side. Help me keep my eyes fixed on Your promises and Your will - that I may come through strong and be a witness to others. I love You.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


Sometimes I want to just have a different life - somehow have different circumstances and experiences. I would love to take this life, throw it out, and start completely over again. Oh, the things I would change and do differently, and the great impact they would have on my life. Sometimes I wonder if things will ever change. Will I ever move out of my parents' house and get married? If not, will this feeling of intense loneliness ever go away or is it a constant that will always be there?

I'm terrified of my dear friends moving away. It's happening, and there's nothing that can be done about it. Yes, I am extremely happy and excited for them, but I am scared out of my wits at the same time. They've been there for me like nobody else lately, and it's hard to let go of that. Spending all of my spare time with them is my defense mechanism against my current pain.

Shifting your dependence from people to God is so hard, but I know it's necessary. Just a very hurtful way to go about it.

Sorry for the ramblings - just had to get some weight off my shoulders. Wish I could type out everything I'm thinking and feeling right now. Not sure that's possible though.

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Something so quiet, yet so very loud. To think that somebody is here one second, but is gone the very next. Not gone as in on a vacation and returning after a time away. No, gone as in absent from this body and present with God. That is the ultimate state of "living" - living with our Father in heaven - standing forever in His awesome presence.

Yes, death is quiet. It is almost something between only you and God. Nobody else matters other than the Lord that is waiting for you to join Him - the Maker of both heaven and of earth. A quiet time of meeting your heavenly Father face to face and finally living in the true body and state that you were created for.

But, death is also loud. It brings on great celebration as another follower is shown his heavenly home in the presence of our King. To think of the great hands that are shaken, the necks that are embraced, and the smiles more amazing than any on this earth. It brings on great worship in the presence of our King - worship in His name, giving Him glory, and praise. Just as the old hymn says, even after we've been there 10,000 years, we have no less days to sing God's praise than when we first begun. Our time in heaven is not spent floating on clouds, but dancing, singing, shouting, and speaking praises to our King. Is this a quiet time of joining our Father in heaven? No, it is a loud time of joining the heavenly hosts in an eternal party of praise and worship to our King.

To those left behind, death is a very sorrowful and mournful time. It is a time full of questions and heart-wrenching tear-filled eyes. As selfish humans, we want so bad for God to give us our loved one back. We want to see their face, their smile, and their eyes. We long to tell them how much they truly meant to us all of these years. But, if we put off our selfishness and embrace the true rality of death, we find hope and joy knowing that although our loved one is gone from us now, he is present with our God, our Creator, our Master, and our King. The quiet, yet loud, sorrowful death now becomes a time of celebration in our Lord Jesus Christ and the hope that He brings.

Friday, January 30, 2009

things i love

I've been thinking a lot lately about life, enjoying it, and finding pleasure in the simple things. Actually, number 1 on this list is what started it all. I was thinking about my parents and how fortunate I am to have them and for them to have their health. Then, I started to think about things about them that I love - and making my mom laugh and laughing with her is one of the things that I just love in life.

Mom, I know you read this, so this post kind of goes out to you. Thank you (and Dad too) for introducing me to my Creator who is my first Love, and for making my life a pleasure. I love you.

Just thought I'd reflect and make a list of things I've really come to love and enjoy...

1. making my mom laugh
2. my dad's expressions of love and service to my mom, which make him a true man in my eyes
3. being an aunt
4. teaching
5. my family
6. water
7. mountains
8. reading
9. laughing
10. Zephaniah 3:17
11. hearing children laugh freely
12. photography
13. being around other people
14. missions
15. rain boots
16. sleep
17. my dog
18. the intense love my grandparents still have for each other
19. broccoli casserole
20. my teddy bear (affectionately known as Stewart)
21. smiling
22. learning God's word
23. candles
24. pink
25. clean socks
26. movies
27. long showers
28. singing
29. clean bed sheets

This list does not tell everything that I love and enjoy, of course, but it's just a quick thought process that went through my mind. There are still many, many other things that I love, but these came to mind for me while I sat here.

My hope is to never lose sight of the simple things in life. Sometimes, that's all you have to look forward to.